
Thank you for visiting this site! Perhaps you were personally invited by me to check this site out, maybe a friend told you about it, or maybe even you just were browsing around and wanted to see what this site was all about. Whatever your reason I want you to know that God has changed my life, and I simply want you to know the peace that I possess by knowing Jesus Christ as my Saviour. Please take a moment and read the section: How Jesus changed my life!

Yours Truly,
Hebrews 13:8

My Internship in Ixtlan del rio, Nayarit, Mexico

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Jesus changed my life!

I wanted to take a moment and share with you what has changed my life, or maybe I should say WHO.Please consider what I am sharing with you. I have found it to be true, and you can too. When I was little I understood that I did things that were wrong, the Bible calls it sin. Seeing my condition, the Bible tells me that I can't merit Heaven on my own, I don't deserve it; but Rom. 6:23 tells me that I have hope, if my hope is in Jesus Christ. The Bible tells me that I am a sinner and deserve Hell, but Jesus Christ, the Son of God, has chosen to become my substitute, my Saviour, and take the punishment for my sin. God gave me the gift of His Son Jesus and with Him comes eternal life, John 3:16. From the Bible I also learn that Jesus is the only way to get to Heaven, John 14:6, and that I must go HIS WAY, not my way or the Bible says that I become like a thief trying to break in. Rom. 10:9 tells me that I can accept God's free gift of salvation, and be delivered from the punishment for my sin when I die, if I confess with my mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in my heart that God has raised Him from the dead. This means that I must admit that I am a sinner, and that Jesus can and will give me His gift of salvation; and because I believe that God raised Him from the dead, then He is alive today and can take my soul to Heaven when I die. My faith in Jesus Christ of the Bible has given me a hope, the love, joy, and peace which I need in my life. You can choose to pray and ask God to do this for you, and He will, if you believe that He can. He can change you. If you are a child of God already, feel free to forward this to your friends and share with them the greatest news that they will ever hear!“Jesus changed my life, let Him change yours!”,

Hebrews 13:8

Our Ministry

Friday, June 11, 2010

Sunday, May 30, 2010

My exciting/interesting trip!

Well I was stuck in Raleigh, now stopped in Houston, and now waiting to go to Mexico. The LORD has kept me safe and blessed me throughout the entire trip with many different things which I hope to tell you about soon. I am very tired from the trip and have not had much sleep in the last two days, so I apologize that the site is so empty right now. Please give me a few days and I hope to have this site uploaded with plenty of information and pics about the trip. The LORD has allowed me to meet a variety of people today, and it has been a blessing.
Please continue to pray for us as we desire to know the LORD more and be used of Him in Ixtlan del Rio, Mexico.  Also, please visit my website specific for the Mexico trip to be updated on all that is happening:  http://www.drichardson.gfbminfo.com/.

Luke 4:43

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Leaving for Mexico

Hello All,

Please pray for me as I will be traveling to Ixtlan del Rio, Nayarit, Mexico in very soon this morning on May 29, 2010.  Please pray that we will be able to edify the current believers there, and also that we may be able to reach the lost with the truth of Jesus Christ and His salvation which He freely offers to all people!  Please pray that we will also individually grow closer to Jesus during this trip.  I will be gone for six weeks, during which I hope to post a link to a website that the mission board has set up specifically for this trip.  Please pray for us that we will not miss any opportunity that the LORD has planned for us, and that we will remain faithful by not growing weary in well-doing!

Feel free to e-mail me with any questions.

Romans 1:15-16
Luke 4:43

Monday, March 1, 2010

Summer Mission's Trip to Mexico (GoForth Baptist Missions)


     My name is Danny Richardson.  I am a Senior Spanish Major at Pensacola Christian College.  This summer I will be travelling with GoForth Baptist Missions to help one of their missionaries.  Your prayers and financial support are greatly appriciated.  My desire is to tell others about Christ, and, when the LORD provides, to do this on the foreign field!

Romans 1:16